
Value Stream Mapping

In de knoop met een lastig te verbeteren proces? Er is geen simpelere en grondigere oplossing dan het uitvoeren van een Value Stream Mapping sessie.





09:00 – 16:00


€495,- (excl. BTW) of 2 coachingsuren


1 Locaties


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Introductie Cursus

White Belt

Start met de gratis White Belt training en ontdek wat Lean Six Sigma is en wat het voor jou kan betekenen.


Een tool om je processen te stroomlijnen

Value Stream Mapping, ook wel bekend als een waardestroomanalyse, is een Lean Six Sigma instrument dat gebruikt wordt om inzicht te krijgen in zelfs de meest complexe werkprocessen. Met als specifiek doel om alle verspilling, bottlenecks en verbetermogelijkheden in kaart te brengen.

Dit is dan ook niet voor niets één van de populairste instrumenten binnen de Lean Six Sigma toolbox, die zelfs buiten de context van Lean Six Sigma veel gebruikt wordt om verbeterpotentieel op te sporen en te verwezenlijken.

  • Te volgen in verschillende vormen
  • Praktische simulaties
  • Geen voorkennis nodig, White Belt aanbevolen

  • Toegang tot een uitgebreid netwerk
  • Mogelijk voor In-company
  • Wereldwijde aanbieder

Onze cursisten beoordelen onze trainingen met 4.9,5 sterren

Over de VSM workshop

Ontdek in onze open inschrijving Value Stream Mapping cursus de wereld van VSM, begeleid door een ervaren trainer. Tijdens interactieve sessies met mededeelnemers verwerf je niet alleen verdiepende kennis over Value Stream Mapping, maar ga je ook dieper in op de het toepassen van de tool door middel van praktijksimulaties. Laat je onderdompelen in deze leerzame ervaring en verrijk je vaardigheden met waardevolle inzichten in de Value Stream Mapping-tool.

Enige basiskennis van Lean is aan te bevelen.


About our Green Belt course

The ability to permanently solve problems is one of the most highly valued skills in any organisation. This is exactly what our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course will make you proficient at. During our course, you will be taught how to uncover the root cause behind a problem, and ensure improvement initiatives are always on target. This is why Lean Six Sigma practitioners are in great demand; they solve issues through substantiated research and prevent fire-fighting; they create solutions that stick.

Our course is designed to enable you to put your newly acquired knowledge and skills into practice. For this reason, the course focuses on the practical application of Lean Six Sigma rather than only going through the theory of all tools.

Green Belt course

Consequently, our Green Belt course consists of 2 parts. The first part is the theoretical training which can be provided both in a classroom and online. This part ends with an green belt exam on the last day of your training. Successfully passing the exam leads to certification which evidences the completion of the theoretical training. The second part of the course is a project you conduct in your work environment.

In many cases, delegates appreciate coaching during their project. As an option, we can provide project coaching during the project. Naturally, delegates can also opt for coaching provided by an internal Continuous Improvement professional.

Our experience is that when delegates have little expertise in improvement projects, coaching can be very conducive to a successful project.

Getting certified

The value of your Green Belt certificate

Successfully completing one of our courses is awarded with an internationally recognised certificate. But what exactly determines the worth of a certificate? We explain why a certificate from The Lean Six Sigma Company is of a higher standard than others on the value of your certificate page.

Green Belt certificate

Starting Dates

Starting dates

14 mei
Van Nelle Fabriek – Rotterdam

Van Nelle Fabriek – Rotterdam

14 May 2025

Van Nelleweg 1, Ingang 2, 4e etage, Kant koffie, 3044 BC


14 mei 2025


Van Nelleweg 1, Ingang 2, 4e etage, Kant koffie, Rotterdam, 3044 BC

Extra information

Van 09:00 uur tot 16:00 uur


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    De prijs voor onze VSM Workshop is vastgesteld op €495 exclusief BTW. Heb je coachingsbudget van een lopende of afgeronde training, dan kun je 2 coachingsuren inzetten en deze volledige workshop volgen zonder bijkomende kosten. Wil je coachingsuren inzetten voor deze workshop? Geef dit dan aan in het opmerkingenveld.


    €495,- (excl. BTW)

    Eendaagse VSM Workshop


    OF 2 uren van je coachingsbudget

    Eendaagse VSM Workshop



    In deze online Value Stream Mapping cursus leer je hoe de VSM-techniek werkt en hoe je deze zelf in de praktijk kunt toepassen. In 5 lessen, die samen ongeveer 2 tot 3 uur in beslag zullen nemen, wordt dit allemaal uitgelegd zodat je binnen korte tijd zelf een VSM-sessie kunt leiden om alles uit een proces te halen wat er te behalen valt.

    Hierbij wordt de theorie en praktijk op behapbare wijze uitgelegd met behulp van video’s, tekst, quizzen, praktijkvoorbeelden en visuele ondersteuning. De training wordt afgesloten met een examen bestaande uit een aantal multiple-choice vragen.

    De prijs van onze online Value Stream Mapping training is €65. De eenvoudigste manier om de Value Stream Mapping cursus aan te schaffen is via het TPC platform. Op deze manier betaal je direct en krijg je direct toegang tot jouw cursus. Een andere optie is dat we je een factuur sturen. Zodra de factuur is betaald, ontvangt je jouw toegangscode en inloginstructies.

    Bezoek onze webshop

    €65 (incl. BTW)

    Contact opnemen


    Als alternatief is er de optie om de Value Stream Mapping training te volgen als een in-company workshop. Dit is de beste keuze als je een heel team wilt trainen, een gedeeld begrip van Lean Six Sigma binnen het team wilt bevorderen en continue verbetering op je werkvloer wilt implementeren door onze instructeur de cursus ter plekke of online te laten verzorgen.

    Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie over onze In-Company prijzen.

    Contact opnemen


    Startdata van de VSM Workshop

    14 mei
    Van Nelle Fabriek – Rotterdam

    Van Nelle Fabriek – Rotterdam

    14 May 2025

    Van Nelleweg 1, Ingang 2, 4e etage, Kant koffie, 3044 BC


    14 mei 2025


    Van Nelleweg 1, Ingang 2, 4e etage, Kant koffie, Rotterdam, 3044 BC

    Extra information

    Van 09:00 uur tot 16:00 uur



    Lean Six Sigma tasting

    Learn how to utilize improvement opportunities and which training would be most effective for you by attending one of our Lean Six Sigma tastings. During this free tasting, our (Master) Black Belt trainers will explain the fundamentals of the methodology to you, and how to turn your ideas into results. Let us answer your questions and reveal just how much you could benefit from employing Lean Six Sigma.

    • Bespoke training advice for every student
    • Q&A session about the Lean Six Sigma methodology
    • Discuss project ideas with other attendees
    • Get to know our trainers
    • Available to everyone


    Customer reviews


    Frequently asked questions

    Can I enrol and join a course without any prior experience or knowledge of Lean Six Sigma?

    Every course we provide assumes our participants start the course without any understanding of the Lean Six Sigma methodology. It starts with the fundamentals and explains every topic that is mentioned without assuming prior experience. During the course, you will carry out simulations and exercises to help you develop your knowledge. If you choose to carry out a project as part of your course, you will be coached and assisted by one of the (Master) Black Belts of The Lean Six Sigma Company to help you get started.

    Should I go for a Green Belt or Black Belt course?

    This depends on your goals and what you intend to achieve. If you would prefer to employ Lean Six Sigma on a part-time basis, for example alongside other work, the Green Belt course would be the best choice. If it’s your aim to work with Continuous Improvement and Lean Six Sigma on a full-time basis, then the Black Belt course would be the right pick.

    Is a Lean Six Sigma course relevant to my career phase?

    Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that one can start using during any career phase and this course is the ideal starting point. Even as a beginner, your work can add tremendous value. Lean Six Sigma can serve as an addition to your current work, replacing a part of your existing responsibilities. Or it can become a new full-time career, depending on the course you choose.


    Green Belt vs Black Belt

    The main difference is the scope of your projects. Green Belt projects are usually aimed at solving issues that affect a single department stakeholders. Black Belt projects tend to tackle long-standing, complex issues that cross departmental lines and affect different stakeholders. The responsibilities of a Green Belt align with those of a project manager. Black Belts carry more responsibilities and take a more active, leading role where they direct other Green Belts during projects.

    How does the Services course differ from the Manufacturing course?

    The Services course is most fitting for those employed in transactional careers such as general administration, logistics, finance, etc. The Industrial course is most fitting for those involved with mass production, machinery, factories and automation). Of course, those who complete the Manufacturing course can still carry out projects in the aforementioned transactional fields.

    I find statistics a daunting topic, is a Lean Six Sigma course still for me?

    The Green Belt course has very little statistics content, as opposed to our Black Belt course. Yet even the Black Belt courses have designed to start at the very basics, on the assumption that our participants aren’t familiar with anything related to statistics. We realise the idea of working with statistics can sound somewhat intimidating, but our trainers have helped thousands of participants understand (and find their interest in) statistics. Additionally, we offer complementary courses and several videos on our MyTraining™ platform that will help you prepare for, or repeat, specific exercises.

    Do you offer any evening- or weekend courses?

    The Lean Six Sigma Company strives to organize its courses during normal working hours.

    This is a conscious choice in order to avoid interfering with the private lives of our participants and to get them used to the idea of working with Lean Six Sigma during typical working hours, and continue this habit once they complete the course.

    However, some local exceptions apply. Please reach out to to the helpdesk in your region if you have any questions

    Do you offer courses in other languages?

    More information about our worldwide presence can be found on our international worldmap page, here you will find in which countries we are currently active and offer courses.

    Want more information?

    Perhaps you are still in doubt which course is the right choice for you, or whether you should choose Lean or Lean Six Sigma. Let us help you with all your questions, so you can always make the right choice. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Contact us

    Cases / Blogs

    Other courses

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    Request prospectus

    Fill out the form on the right and we will send you the prospectus.

    • A detailed overview of the curriculum of the course,
    • The best way to prepare for your exam,
    • Information about how much time course preparation will take.
    • And more…

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    Vraag de studiegids aan voor meer informatie over onder andere het gedetailleerde programma, voorbereiding, doelgroep en examinering.

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